We’re dedicated to helping businesses embrace sustainability while reducing their environmental impact. Our comprehensive approach involved three key stages, each designed to guide you on your sustainability journey.

STAGE 1: Assessing your current situation.

Stage 2: Securing funding for upgrades.

STAGE 3: Environmental Certification.

STAGE 1: Assessing your current situation

How We Do It

Our professional services include:

  • Tailored energy and waste assessments.

  • Energy Audits to AS/NZS 3598:2014 standards.

  • Performance Measurement and Verification.

  • Life Cycle Analyses.

Where are you today?

We begin by understanding your current energy usage, waste streams, and carbon footprint. This assessment helps you see where you stand today and where you can make improvements.

These services result in a detailed report, highlighting opportunities for improvement, and setting a starting point for net-zero strategies. Our metrics include scope 1 and 2 emissions, GHG and KWh savings, capital costs, paybacks, ROI, internal rate of return. We also explore opportunities for renewable energy, equipment upgrades, and fuel switching.

Stage 2: Securing funding for upgradeS

How We Do It

Government rebates and funding programs are available for infrastructure upgrades. At EC, we analyse the results of your energy and waste assessments and recommend changes that may qualify for government funding. Potential sources include:

  • Victorian Energy Upgrades.

  • NSW Energy Saving Scheme.

  • Climate Action Fund.

  • Renewable Energy Target.

  • Peak Demand Reduction Scheme.

  • NSW Waste and Materials Strategy.

  • Emissions Reduction Fund.

Funding to enable infrastructure upgrades to reduce energy consumption and waste handling.

We help you access funding sources for infrastructure upgrades. This funding can come from tradeable carbon certificates, government grants, or environmental loans. Our experts assist with paperwork and compliance requirements.

STAGE 3: Environmental Certification

How We Do It

We offer a structured measurement approach by accredited professionals to deliver recognised certifications. These certifications include:

  • NABERS ratings covering energy, water, waste, indoor environment, and carbon neutrality.

  • Climate Active Carbon Neutral Certification.

Demonstrating Your Commitment to Sustainability.

In today's business landscape, sustainability matters. Environmental certification showcases your dedication to sustainable practices, understanding of climate risk, and objective benchmarking of your performance.

Certification is awarded to businesses that successfully reduce their carbon footprint and offset remaining emissions, meeting stringent criteria for carbon neutrality.