News — EC Focus

Boosting recycling in Dexus buildings

Before the rains descended in NSW, our waste assessors, Kyle and Robert made their way up to Brisbane to meet with facility managers and deliver waste audits in 6 Dexus office buildings. Senior Facility Manager David Saini was keen to see the audit in action and stayed back at 123 Albert St to talk with Kyle about boosting recycling in Dexus buildings.

Waste audits and the NABERS Waste Rating system are an effective way of analysing real-time information to benchmark building waste and drive improvements in data accuracy and recycling.

The waste team will analyse and report their Brisbane findings and then travel down to Melbourne in April to conduct even more waste audits!

Interested? Contact us today to discover how we can take the hassle out of gaining a NABERS Waste rating for your building > Contact Us


Great News! NABERS is excited to be launching a new offer exclusively for small shopping centre owners.

Great News! NABERS is excited to be launching a new offer exclusively for small shopping centre owners. Funded by the Australian Government, this offer means energy ratings are now FREE for first time shopping centre rating customers across Australia for a limited time only.
Contact us on 02 9660 9997 and don't miss this fantastic opportunity!


Our most recent partnerships with Burwood Chinatown

We're excited to announce one of our most recent partnerships with Burwood Chinatown, which is looking to improve the management of their waste and become more sustainable.

We visited over 40 stores within the complex and spoke with them to hear their current waste management plans. All the tenants were enthusiastic to participate in the Bin Trim program and it was great to share some simple tips that will help improve the way they dispose of waste.

We're looking forward to providing our advice and information to help Burwood Chinatown implement our recommendations.

The Bin Trim program supports NSW businesses to maximise their recycling and minimise its waste to landfill whilst caring for the environment. Contact us today to arrange your free waste assessment with one of our trained assessors > Contact Us
