50% of the cost of equipment subsidised by NSW EPA

Savings over $63,000 savings per year in avoided waste disposal costs 

Around 225 tones of material diverted from landfill annually


Project Overview

ABC Castings is a nonferrous metal casting business producing components for use in heavy industry, infrastructure and manufacturing. The castings are often made in hardened sand-based moulds, bonded with resin or clay, which are broken off the finished casting at the end of the process and cannot be reused unless they are refined back to sand. Prior to working with Energy Conservation over 200 tonnes of resin sand per annum was being lost this way to landfill.

An assessor from Energy Conservation visited the business to conduct a visual waste assessment, interview the business owner and gather evidence from waste bills and procurement orders. The owner recognised that more efficient use of materials would reduce waste to landfill and cut operating costs. A proposal was submitted for the purchase of sand recovery and associated dust extraction equipment which, supported by the evidence collected by our assessor was approved by the NSW EPA. The business could then proceed to purchase their new equipment with 45% of the purchase cost guaranteed in rebate funding. With their new equipment installed, ABC Castings now reuses more than 90% of their resin sand and saves over $63,000 per year in waste disposal costs.
